He was a Jew from Palestine.
He was Jewish, as the Jews were his "Chosen People", & he grew up in Palestine.
The church played a very important role because it was "all around" in medieval times. On the level of almost every village there was a church and a priest which helped spread the word of the christian god. Through this, almost every person down to a villager somewhere in a village in Europe was able to come to church where people gathered on Sundays and hear new information and educate himself on various things related to faith and religion.
This form of democracy is where the power lies within an elected legislature. The legislature and executive branches are together, the elected legislature will choose the prime minister as well.
The colonist organied to carry out the Boston Tea Party
The Wagner act provides American workers with the legal right to conduct a strike.
This gives the power to the American workers to form a union and opened up discussions with job owners regarding fair working condition.
The Social Security act provides various forms of welfares for American Citizens, especially for the old citizens and the disabled.