The purpose of a <em>High-school or College Transcript</em> is to display and indicate the <em>experience and education taken</em> by the student that might count as credit or quality for eventual promotions.
So a transcript is essentially the official record of an academic performance, listing <em>all courses taken</em> and <em>given grades</em>, including <em>every class</em>, when they were taken and sometimes including <em>test scores</em> and <em>received honors</em>, <em>grade average</em> and sometimes also <em>attendance rating</em>; it's basically <em>an inventory of the</em> <em>courses and grades</em> throughout the process.
Thereby the least likely to be included from that list would be (C): <em>"Minor disciplinary affairs"</em>
A. Even though we each found a different piece of evidence to
support our conclusion, we can agree that Shakespeare was an
This would aknowledge the fact that everyone found different solutions, yet they all fit into a single conclusion.
Although vandalism is illegal I believe that this punishment is very cruel. First, yes vandalism can negatively affect other people. But what if it’s just a student showing off their creativity in an abandoned building. I also believe that this pushing is harsh even if the situation was different. If someone was to vandalize a private property it is better for them to pay the damages; and complete a certain amount of community service hours. People will learn their lesson after completing a vast amount of community work.
One day, I was taking a walk around my neighborhood when I ran into a small, scared puppy. After a few minutes, I managed to convince it to approach me and started petting it. It was really cute, and I felt like keeping it. But the puppy seemed somewhat familiar, and I realized that I saw posters about a lost dog with a picture of this puppy attached. I picked up the puppy, walked to the spot where one of these posters was, and phoned the number the owner left. The owner picked up and was overjoyed that I found his puppy. We met soon after, and I was really happy that the puppy returned to its home. I felt like a did a good thing, and despite not getting to keep the puppy, I learned that doing the right thing pays off the most.
My complaint is.
Littering on the beach. Too many people just throw their trash on the beach for someone else to clean up. Well no one will clean it up.It gets washed into the ocean where sea creatures can get to it. Then come along some innocent dolphins interested on whats lying in the ocean. They start playing with it and suddenly they get trapped in the trash. they could get badly hurt or even die. Just from people littering. So please any one whose reading this if you go to the beach any time soon. Don't litter and clean up other trash you see lying around.