They display:
- phone number
- business address;
- a map marker along with the business owner's ad text.
Location extensions give the opportunity a business owners to display the following:
- phone number
- business address;
- a map marker along with the business owner's ad text.
Location extensions are of two types:
1. Google Ads location extensions also give the opportunity to display phone number, business address; and a map marker along with the business owner's ad text.
2. Affiliate location extensions make it easy to discover a retail chains outlet that is nearby selling what you want to buy. The purpose is to serve the owners of retail chains outlets who want customers who are making decisions on what and where to buy commodities to find their outlets.
A. population sizes, income levels and cultural influences, the current state of the infrastructure and distribution and retail networks available.
The reason is that the foreign markets are affected by the cultural differences for example if US clothing brand enters Suadia Arabia then it can not sell its brands here because in the Suadia Arabian culture girls wear full sleeves and are not skin tight fits. This means that the culture have an influence over the foreign markets. Likewise the income level tells about how much the customer can spend on luxury items, population of customers available is also an attractive part that the investors see to move in the markets. The infrastructure of a country and the regional importance of the state are also the motivators for the foreign companies to move in to the market.
These factors are the ecosystem of the country that gives insight of the market size and market growth of a particular market.
Is there any answers choice or I have to figure it my self
The principle that's illustrated by the gas tax is known as the benefit received principle.
<h3>What's a tax?</h3>
It should be noted that a tax is a compulsory payment that generate revenue to the government.
In this case, a gas tax imposed by some states in which those who use the roads more pay more to maintain them is based on the benefits received principle.
Learn more about tax on: