The Chaldean Empire began on 605 B.C. and they claimed many lands that once belonged to the Assyrians, but Egypt was not one of them.
By the time that the Chaldean Empire started, it also started an alliance between the Assyrians and Egyptians to fight the Babylonians.
They both had their armies destroyed. Assyria was never to be recognized again as an independent power and Egypt retreated, becoming insignificant for a while.
Egypt used Greek mercenaries to get rid of the domain that the Assyrians had over them and they did go through a prosper time, but it for the Persians to show up and dominate them in the 500s B.C.
The late adolescent stands at a transforming moment in life. He has progressed through a huge developmental trajectory that began 18 years ago. The accumulated physical, cognitive, emotional, and social experiences of infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, and the earlier phases of adolescence have prepared him for the final transition to adulthood. This transition is the work of late adolescence.
the young adult also typically has developed a sense of self-identity and a rational and realistic conscience, and he has refined his moral, religious, and sexual values. He is able to compromise, set limits, and think through issues to make decisions. Cognitively, the young adult is still developing, and new research evidence suggests that this process may continue into the third decade of life.
The executive order 0970 or something I think
We can name three big reasons here.
1. The conversion to Islam in the early age was not something sudden and it did not mean that the previous religious convictions of the population were abandoned. The way it worked was that the Islamic practices were integrated into existing religious systems.
2. Second one is the traveling religious men who went and spread the faith. Wondering holly men were peaceful and were not perceived as threats.They were educated and often were healers. This allowed them to intermingle in the other societies and be their connection to the Islamic world.
3.The renewal movements or the reform ones were created in response to this intermingling of Islam with other religious doctrines. They wanted to return to the true faith and keep Islam pure. They wanted to purify it from foreign influences.