At the beggining of the revolution, American were enthusiastic in support of the revolution. But, after time passed the opinion divided into two major groups: federalists and anti-federalist.
The anti-federalists, led by Thomas Jefferson were in favor of this revolution. They tought that the French were imitating the American colonists in the desire for freedom.
The federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton were not in favor of the French revolution. The feared mob rule and didn't approve egalitarian ideas (equality among all people and deserving the same rights and opportunities) because they thought that it could cause a violent or sudden change in the society.
Columbus did leave home, because he wanted to find the Asian trade route.
<span> counterfeiting became the next big thing, thousands of counterfeit coins were made from the middle class to the lowest of classes.
hope that helped
Mechanical reaper 1834
Sewing machine 1830
Railroad 1830
Spinning Jenny 1770
revolutionise the process of cotton spinning
Cotton gin 1793 machine for cleaning cotton of seeds
Steam engine 1698. heat engine that performs mechanical work
Steel process 1856
Light bulb 1879
Radio waves 1895
Fixed wing planes 1799
Model t car assembly/line 1908
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