Charles de Geulle is the correct answer
A: Focusing on one source of information
Option "B" is the correct answer to the following question
They thought that the culture system and symbols included teachings that were in conflict with the priesthood.
The small number of genuine offspring received equal treatment. They were entitled to inherit encomiendas and property just like any other Spanish son. In addition, if there was no legal Spanish successor, the father would frequently transfer his possessions to an illegitimate mestizo son.
The correct answer is C). Calvin believed in the creation of a Christian state, while Zwingli thought church and state should be separate.
Ulrich Zwingli(1484-1531) was born in Switzerland. He believed the Bible was the most important concept in religion. In 1519, he undertook a reform of the church in Zurich establishing the Reform of Church. He did not agree with the veneration of images, relics or the saints, and he was against celibacy.
John Calvin(1509-1564) was born in France. In 536, after breaking up with the Roman Catholic Church he visited Geneva in 1536 to implement strict moral standards. Calvin was a devotee of hard work, art, education, and science. He affirmed that wealth was a gift from God.
The Phoenicians had a great sea trading empire. They were very famous for many things including the alphabet, cedar ships, and purple cloth. They were very involved in trade, art, and religion. Phoenicia was an ancient civilization.