1.) not using a pronoun at all.
Not using a pronoun is the right way to correct this ambiguity.
An ambiguous pronoun happens when a pronouns have an unclear antecedent, such that it's not clear who is referring to.
Hope this helps
<em>C: the price of power</em>
The price of power is the theme that best represents the lines that describe what was witten about 'conquerors in their glory', which <em>represents their</em> <em>power</em>, supposedly bestowed by fortune, which they thought to be their friend. <em>Now, in their end, they know they shouldn't have trusted her, they have to pay the price for once having believed a foe.</em>
C. Personification: <em>Mask thy monstrous visage</em>. Personification happens when something (object, idea or animal for example) have or is given human attributes. When discoursing about conspiracy, Brutus calls and treats it as a concept, a thing vivid enough for it have a face and be conversed to as someone.
The cerebellum is part of the hindbrain in vertebrates. It lies between the brainstem and cerebrum in humans and helps regulate motor movements, helps us perceive senses and coordinates voluntary movements like posture and balance.