1 through 4
1.) Under the open-field system, each manor or village had two or three large fields, usually several hundred acres each, which were divided into many narrow strips of land. The strips or selions were cultivated by individuals or peasant families, often called tenants or serfs.
2.) The Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century paved the way for the Industrial Revolution in Britain. New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding led to amplified food production. This allowed a spike in population and increased health. The new farming techniques also led to an enclosure movement.
3.) Common land is land owned collectively by a number of persons, or by one person, but over which other people have certain traditional rights, such as to allow their livestock to graze upon it, to collect wood, or to cut turf for fuel.
4.) It allowed every citizen of the village take cultivate there own food and everyone in the village earned their share by working the fields
Batu, Kublai Khan, Ghengis Khan and Tamerlane.
Answer: it provided the platform for the Latin American revolutions.
Explanation: read the documents and positions by the French revolutionaries. The Latin American creoles fought using the same principles.
Answer: Hammurabi's Code
Explanation: Hammurabi was the Babylonian king, a member of the Babylonian Dynasty that ruled Mesopotamia. Hammurabi himself ruled from 1792 to 1750 BC, and fought against other kingdoms and dynasties in Mesopotamia created the great Babylonian Empire. He is best known for his law written about 1754 BC, and contains 282 rules, laws, and this is considered one of the oldest written laws in the world. This law precisely defines social classes, rights and obligations.
In the headlines above, the best choice suitable in the statement is choice number four, which is the federal supremacy. The headlines speaks as a federal supremacy because it has the authority of making federal laws being considered by the people.