This sentence would probably be a citation in APA style. Citations on research papers are very important since they give due credit to the original owner of the statement. Statements that don't have citations tells the readers that those statements are of the researcher/s alone which would be a problem for them if found out that it wasn't theirs to begin with. This would result to a work of plagiarism which is a grave sin in constructing research papers and is more equated with the act of stealing.
Enjambement is the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.
This statement is true:
C Some words that are usually nouns can function as adjectives.
The B sentence is not finished, so it is hard to say if it true or not.
Sailors are bound by there countries laws
Fairy-tale techniques remain little identified and appreciated.
The correct answer would be: "Fairy-tale techniques remain little identified and appreciated", since it adds to the idea that little is known about the technique of writing Fairy-tales.