Answer: (1912-1916)
First Sino-Japanese War
Trained and led an army-> only remnant of China that survived the Boxer Rebellion
First leader of Republic of China-> became a provisional leader after Sun Yat-sen was nominated for presidency
Nation was in ruins, planned for foreign loans were obstructed by Kuomingtang
Murdered the Chairman of Nationalist Party which lead revolt against him
Tried to make himself president for life and reestablish himself as an emperor
Opposition against this new empire, could not get foreign support because others were occupied with WWI, could not aid Yuan Shi Kai
had to abdicate the thrown
died three months later
The emperor DIOCLETIAN divided the Roman empire in half
The new party that formed was called the Constitutional Union Party. It was made out of former Whig members who teamed up with the know-nothing party former members in order to make a new party that would only look to the constitution as the only law that is important for the United States.
in a republic a constitution or charter of Rights protects certain unalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government