Africans were in turn brought to the regions depicted in blue, in what became known as the "Middle Passage". Enslaved Africans were then traded for raw materials, which were returned to Europe to complete the "Triangular Trade".
This period made available the use of fertilizers, high yield grains we planted, and the use of irrigation.
INTENDED OUTCOMES: high yield seeds are being used, reduce starvation with massive food production, use of pesticide and chemical fertilizers.
UNINTENDED OUTCOMES: were the damages to small farmers by widening the gap between them and those with bigger farm, soil depletion, and chemical runoff.
Green Revolution also known as the third agricultural revolution was a form research capability using technology during the late 1950s and 1960s which resulted or bring high agricultural produce through out the world.
The Green Revolution brings about the use of high yielding seeds with chemical fertilizers for greater food production.
INTENDED OUTCOMES: these include high yield production, increase food production, save millions over the world of starvation, increase use of technology to ease food production and the use of pesticide to protect food crops damage.
UNINTENDED OUTCOMES: these are resulted into creating wide margin between small farmers and the those farmers who owns the land, soil and water resources being depleted
World war 1 broke out in 1914 because a group of Serbian nationalists (The Black Hand) assassinated the duke of Austria-Hungary. Austria -Hungary threatened Serbia with a bunch of wishes that they wanted Serbia to due for them. Due to the treaty between Serbia and Russia, Serbia said no. Germany, who had a treaty with Austria-Hungary threatened to attack if Russia mobilized its army. Russia did and Germany invaded Belgium. This brought Great Britain and France into the war.
Constitutional principle of rule of law dictates that all individuals, institutions and organizations (whether its privately held or publicly held), Even the State itself, are accountable to laws. No matter what ethnicity or social status that a person has, that person need to face equal treatment of the law like any others. 5.0
<u>The outbreak of the Second World War happened.</u> The rise of fascism in Italy and Germany worried Roosevelt for what was preparing the country for a war. In the Second World War he sided with France and Britain helping these countries economically breaking the law of neutrality of the United States.