Mostly because "Masters" needed more work done doing other stuff instead of working in fields.
When then-President Boris Yeltsin stood on a tank in 1991, waving a fist in defiance of communist hard-liners, he heralded a new dawn for Russia.The Soviet Union collapsed months later, promising to usher in a new era of Western-style democracy. But at the end of Yeltsin's rule, eight years later, democracy had become a dirty word for most Russians.President Vladimir Putin often is praised for bringing an end to what some see as a reign of lawlessness and corruption under Yeltsin, his predecessor. But not everyone agrees. Some officials who ran the government under Yeltsin say Putin has put an end to a period of positive change.
Both inventions were done by teenagers at their times.
Both inventions claimed to help the environment Boyan slat's machine would clean up trash flouting in ocean. Duro - Aind adebola, Akindele Abiola, faleka oluwatoyin and Bello Eniola proposed power generation from urine that would not create carbon monoxide.
unfortunately, both inventions were also challenged by more established scientists and engineers.
I believe the most recent ice age ended nearly 11,700 years ago, but began nearly 2 million years ago.
Martin Luther posted on a church door to publicly criticize the misues of indulgences A. Ninety-five theses.