There are quite a few English words that contain letters that are not suppose to be said including: debt and write. These left out letters can often tell us about the history and origin of the word and some places in the world has these which can tell us about who lived there at the time. This is called etymology.
Hope that this answer helped. ☺
Pony boy observe that he does see and everyone has a motivation to fight except him. Pony boy fights for self-defense and to defend his family and gang, Darry fights just to brag about his muscles and Soda pop only join because he only matches for fun.
Hope this helps :) And the book is good
Rama makes Sugriva assured about his power and considered Bali's crime to unpardonable of taking his brother's wife. Rama asks Sugriva to invite Bali for duel wherein Bali at first defeat Sugriva very badly and Rama is unable to identify who is Bali and Sugriva as both looked similar. For Sugriva's recognition, Rama asks Sugriva to wear garland. Upon calling Bali gain for duel while Bali arrives Sugriva signals to Rama to shoot him with an arrow and thus defeats Bali and Sugriva becomes the ruler of the Kishkindha.