Monotheism means: the doctrine or to believe that there is only one God. In Islam there is only One God, Allah. He is the only God and The Creator of the whole world universe and infinity and beyond.
Because the government did not have enough resources to accomodate the influx of families from rural areas to the cities.
Non-Muslims did not always enjoy the same legal and social privileges as Muslims, though. Sometimes they had restrictions on their dress, public religious display, professions, and places of worship. They also paid higher taxes and tariffs. Additionally, non-Muslim men could not marry Muslim women.
23 September
Youth Climate Summit, 21 September
This historic event will take place as part of a weekend of events leading up to the UN Secretary-General's Climate Action Summit on 23 September.
The Glorious Revolution showed that people could pursue a change of ruling power. It also provided many new ideas to American colonists