Yes it was.
Due to the stong and unbreakable moral of the japanese with years of fighting. the japadense weren't even close to the thought of surrendering with motos like "honnor before death" the only way to stop more casulaties from a devistating land invasion the US had to drop the atomic bombs
to prevent more casulaties on both sides.
Roosevelt's New Deal programs worked to aid the rural poor, as well as restore soil quality and establish better farming practices.
The Resettlement Administration and Farm Security Administration were agencies created to help poor people in rural areas.
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Soil Erosion Service (later known as the Soil Conservation Service), and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were involved in improving land conditions. Working in conjunction with the National Forestry Service, the CCC and WPA participated in planting millions of trees to act as windbreaks, to prevent the kind of blowing erosion of soil that occurred in the Dust Bowl.
They were treated like they didnt mean anything to anyone because they were slaves. If you were a slave you were treated like an animal. There was a woman named Harriet Tubman and she risked her life over and over again trying to help slaves escape.
Why do people commit crimes? From misdemeanors to violent felonies, some individuals step in to the criminal justice system and learn their lesson to never commit a crime again. Others unfortunately become repeat offenders with a never ending rap sheet. Environment obviously plays a huge role but it is only one of many factors. The study of crime<span> and why some people can’t get away from it while others never have even a speeding ticket has been dissected for decades.</span>