A cocoon is a protective casing that protects and shelters the silkworm while its transitioning from predators and other threats. Within the cocoon the silkworm transitions into a pupa, the pups is the stage between the larvae and adult moth. After two weeks the pupa finishes it's transition into a moth.
peptide and protein hormone
Peptide and protein hormones are composed of amino acids with latter being longer in length. They are synthesized in rough endoplasmic reticulum where they undergo various modifications like N terminal signal sequence removal and glycosylation to form prohormones. These prohormones are sent to golgi apparatus where they are packaged in secretory vesicles. In response to a stimulus the appropriate vesicle is released via exocytosis.
They can show regulated secretion where the hormone is stored in vesicles for a long time and then released in large amount in bursts for a proper stimulus. Sometimes they also show constitutive secretion where they are released slowly and steadily by the vesicles.
The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
This is the definition of life.
Answer: lower atmospheric pressure
During the inspiration process the diaphragm, and external intercostal muscles. The contraction of the diaphragm causes the increase in the size of the thoracic cavity this causes the contraction of the external intercostal muscles. As a result of this the ribs and the sternum get elevated.
This causes the lungs to expand, and increasing the volume of the air passage. In this response the air pressure inside the lungs reduces below the air outside the body. Thus this facilitates the movement of the gases from a region of high pressure to low pressure, this way the air rushes into the lungs.
Schemas refers to a cognitive frame work which help humans to organize and give interpretations to information obtained both from within and from the external enviroment. Schema guide human cognitive processes and behaviour. Schema helps in structuring our memories by acting as a glue which hold all the information we have gathered together. Shcema is used in recognizing new experience and in relating it with old experiences. Schema affects humans' perception, encoding, memory recall, etc.