The conquest of new lands allowed Romans to "C. Trade good theypreviously did not have," since the new lands offered more raw and cultivated materials.
That would the country of Hispanola or aka Dominican Republic.
Answer: Nationalism has contributed to the militarization of states.
The beginning of the twentieth century brought a lot of intolerance among European countries. France and Britain were the leading colonial powers, and Germany and Austro-Hungary wanted a part for themselves. In such circumstances, extreme nationalism emerges. Countries are pursuing a rigid, militaristic policy so that the production of weapons and ammunition is growing in almost all European countries. This led to an increase in self-confidence, which is why they went to war so easily. Nationalism thus accelerated and accelerated the production of weapons.
He was far away from he's children and wife but then when he came to the united states from the long trip from Europe he got to see them and become a president