The cheapest, but especially most efficient way of transport to get around Paris is the Velib. You pay a fee of 1,70 EUR for a dayticket or 8 Eur for a week ticket. During the validity of this ticket you can use any bicycle from the velib network. The catch to really travel cheap is to change bikes every 30 minutes.
okk already come Okkkkkkkk
<u>La </u><u>négation</u>
Non, nous n'avons pas encore de réservation.
Non, je n'ai rien à manger.
Non, nous n'allons nulle part ce soir.
Non, je n'invite personne à venir cuisiner ....
Hier, je suis allé(e) au stade.
Verbe être = accord en genre et en nombre
allé = masculin/singulier
allée = féminin/singulier
The group wanted to walk to two-bit's house to get his car, and Cherry explain to Ponyboy what's good about the Scos. Then after the talk Ponyboy and Johnny wanted to go and watch the stars, but they fell asleep and when Ponyboy went back home, Darry was so mad that he hit Pony.