It can be a large waterfall or it can be a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes constantly opaque, which is a result of, blurred vision.
Hope this helped!
Goethe said that the doctrine of Copernicus was the only one that had a great effect on the human spirit above all.
For the first time in the human history men renounced the privilege of being the center of the Universe, it gave a freedom of vision and greatness of thought.
Goethe was a great influence for the modern culture, art and science. He concieved the individual as a small world, existing by his own means as a result of the Copernicus Heliocentrism theory.
Democratic System of Government
The materials used for paintings were becoming more expensive and people wanted them in their homes
All of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan are fertile river valleys surrounded by harsh deserts.