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Special courts exist for both civil and criminal disputes. Cases tried in special, limited-jurisdiction criminal courts, such as traffic court or misdemeanor court, may be reheard in a general-jurisdiction trial court without an appeal upon the request of the parties.
Buddhism had the greatest impact on china , i hope that helps .
Each X equals 10, and IV means one before 5, so since there are 24 hours in a dar XXIV works
The expansion of the African slave trade was a result of the demand for slaves in the colonial Americas.Tens of thousands of people were forcibly transported out of Africa to work on plantations, in mines and as domestic servants all over the Americas. The slave trade continued for hundreds of years, only ending in the nineteenth century. The slave trade increased because it was profitable. Those who controlled the trade - European slave-owners and traders, and African rulers and traders - benefited greatly from it. African rulers and traders were involved in the slave trade because selling slaves was a way to gain power and wealth.