Shows the ages of two doctors in a family clinic one day.
In the principles of scientific thinking, applicability refers to whether we can recreate a certain same of study with same measurement. The purpose of this is so other researchers could repeat the same experiment and confirm whether the result of the previous works are actually correct.
In the case above, the researchers want to find out if fear is acquired faster to a prepared stimulus.
This will create a problem in term of applicability because the source of fear that exist in people extremely varies from one to another. It also constantly changed over the course of time. Because of this, it is impossible for other researchers to recreate the experiment in a similar situation. The result from using different subjects will be invalid and cant be used to confirm the previous experiments.
Labeling theory deals with the phenomenon of signs imposed by society, when viewed as adolescents, these labels can be imposed by the influence of peers. Labeling theorists emphasize that no human behavior is inherently deviant. It's about the influence that peers have on the delinquent, where the labels imposed by peers are far less powerful than those that are imposed by formal social control. Most children commit some form of deviant behavior, if these are the initial forms of deviant behavior, according to labeling theory this is a primary deviance. There is also a secondary deviance, which is a phase in the theory of deviant identity formation, integrating it into the concept of self, which is being upgraded in the long run. In other words, some forms of deviant behavior will lead to more severe forms of deviant behavior. Usually secondary deviance refers to perpetrators who are already known for it.
<em>Agenda-setting theory</em> is a social science theory which attempts to make predictions regarding the influence of the media. It describes the ability of news media to influence the important topics on the public agenda.
This theory argues that the news media has a great influence on the audience by covering some news more frequently and prominently, thus making the audience think of it as more important.
Nevertheless, news media does not operate within a vacuum. Policy makers and participation of the public have an important role when it comes to the decision of what makes public priorities. Therefore the society is active in building the setting and making a causal relationship with the media which then is reshaping the agenda-setting.