The rise of towns tended to weaken both feudalism and manorialism. ... Towns weakened manorialism by supplying serfs and peasants with a way to escape their lot in life. Many went to towns to work as wage laborers, thus depriving manors of crucial labor and creating a more fluid workforce in Europe.
The cabinet is the second highest level of executive branch bureaucracy pyramid.
The cabinet being the second in authority within the executive branch, it has the functions of advising the president on matters dealing with the specific cabinet office.
The president comes first in the pyramid, followed by the cabinet and then the leaders.
The cabinet helps the president with the administration duties in their respective offices.
The cabinet is also among the people members who can take up power in case of a vacancy in the presidential seat.
After World War II, defeated Germany was divided into Soviet, American, British and French zones of occupation. The city of Berlin, though technically part of the Soviet zone, was also split, with the Soviets taking the eastern part of the city. After a massive Allied airlift in June 1948 foiled a Soviet attempt to blockade West Berlin, the eastern section was drawn even more tightly into the Soviet fold. Over the next 12 years, cut off from its western counterpart and basically reduced to a Soviet satellite, East Germany saw between 2.5 million and 3 million of its citizens head to West Germany in search of better opportunities. By 1961, some 1,000 East Germans—including many skilled laborers, professionals and intellectuals—were leaving every day
In August, Walter Ulbricht, the Communist leader of East Germany, got the go-ahead from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to begin the sealing off of all access between East and West Berlin. Soldiers began the work over the night of August 12-13, laying more than 100 miles of barbed wire slightly inside the East Berlin border. The wire was soon replaced by a six-foot-high, 96-mile-long wall of concrete blocks, complete with guard towers, machine gun posts and searchlights. East German officers known as Volkspolizei (“Volpos”) patrolled the Berlin Wall day and night.
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Intangible assets