One-half of the daughters of an affected man would have this condition.
Each daughter born to a woman that is positive for a dystrophin mutation on one of her two X chromosomes possess a 50 percent likelihood of possessing the mutation and also becoming a carrier. Carriers at times do not show the disease symptoms but may give birth to a child that has the mutation or the disease condition. DMD carriers do have a higher chance of cardiomyopathy.
A man with DMD cannot transfer the affected gene to his sons since he passes to his son a Y chromosome, not the X chromosome. But he will definately transfer it to his daughters, since each daughter possess her father’s only X chromosome resulting in the daughters being carriers.
Hence, One-half of the daughters of an affected father and a carrier mother could have this condition.
An explanation inspires new questions and the process of making new observations.
Carbon cycle is associated with fossil fuels
Answer: diffusion
Diffusion is the over all movement of molecules from one region where it is in high concentration to another another region where it is in lower concentration.
This movement continues until the concentration of both regions are equal. Smaller non polar molecules are able to diffuse through the lipid bilayer of the membrane .
Movement through the membrane is dependent on the concentration gradient, that is the difference in concentration between the two areas.
It is also dependent on the size of the molecule
Answer:Una célula pasa por cuatro etapas a lo largo de su vida, que son: el nacimiento, el crecimiento, la diferenciación y la reproducción o muerte celular.
El proceso por el cual nace una célula a partir de otra preexistente se denomina división celular. El mecanismo que da origen a un nuevo individuo, en organismos unicelulares, es decir, organismos formados por una sola célula, se produce para aumentar el tamaño de su población, mientras que en organismos pluricelulares, este proceso funciona para aumentar el número de células y el reemplazo de células que se encuentren dañadas o muertas.
El ciclo celular se define como el conjunto de transformaciones que sufren las células para generar dos células hijas.
Este ciclo está formado por tres fases: la interfase, la mitosis y la ciclo