A fixed amount of money is paid to the site for every visitor who clicks on an ad and then jumps from that page to the advertiser's website.
Cost per click is the amount of money that is paid to an advertiser each time somebody clicks on their ad. It is as a result of the various charges that are incurred when a particular user clicks on an advertisement found on search engine pages and is then directed to website of the advertiser.
Creating an effective marketing strategy is very important inorder to be one step ahead of the various competitors. Google ad is responsible for taking decisions on how helpful an ad is to individuals searching for a particular keyword. This helps to determine the amount that will be charged on each cost per click.
Process Costing allows so many units to be in production at the same time which are identical. The cost of each unit can be determined by calculating the average price using to total units produced.
At the end of the period, the temporary accounts are closed, their balance is transfer to retained earnings, so the COGS and the sales revenue involved in the intra-entity transfer are contained in the retained earnings account
Feedback would be a significant aspect in improving the accomplishment or organization's success.
Requesting or waiting for such feedback might contribute to less and less input, although the organization must request for input, this same person might communicate with the organization by requesting comments.