The gathering at Amritsar (1919), the rallies in Soweto (1976) and the demonstrations in Tianamen Square (1989) directly resulted in (4) violence against the protesters. The Amritsar Massacre was when groups of nonviolent protesters gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh Garden and were fired upon by troops from the British Indian Army. The Soweto Uprising was a series of protests led by high school students who did not want to have the Afrikaans medium of instruction instilled in their schools, but this was met with huge violence and an extremely high number of casualties. The Tiananmen Square protests was when Chinese students protested because of China's corrupt political system and many protesters and civilians were killed.
The federal and state government makes actions that affects our lives. The federal government would make the big decisions (such as making littering illegal) and the state government will handle local things (such as legalizing marijuana in Mississippi). Here's some examples:
• Declares war
• Creates & maintains armed forces
• Make copyright & laws
• Establishes post offices
• Provides assistance (life-line, SNAP, SSI, Healthcare, ect.)
• Determines sales tax
• The amount of school days there will be
• Schools funding
According to the graph, and if the trend continues, in 2030, D. more than 80% will be living in urban settings.
Shortly before the Civil War, Rockefeller and a partner established a shipping company in Cleveland, Ohio. The company made so much money during the war. In 1863, he and his partner invested in another business that refined crude oil from Pennsylvania into kerosene for illuminating lamps.