The land was free and perfect for farming, if settlers survived the journey to Oregon the land was all theirs. But not only did the US like it, Britain and Russia also liked it. So the US told people to move there ASAP so it would officially be claimed by America.
They have won 67 times and lost 31 times and 5 ties in favor of Michigan
The Harlem Renaissance was an African American cultural movement that flourished in the 1920s and had Harlem in New York City as its symbolic capital. It was a time of great creativity in musical, theatrical, and visual arts but was perhaps most associated with literature; it is considered the most influential period in African American literary history. The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic flowering of the “New Negro” movement as its participants celebrated their African heritage and embraced self-expression, rejecting long-standing—and often degrading—stereotypes
hope it helps you