D. Decision Making
It is your decision to participate or continue education either you want to or you have too it's still your choice too make.
One might be watching youtube and the other might be playing games the consequences might be no recess or no computer time
You prepare the food to be swallowed by chewing it. This process allows the food to mix with saliva, and transforms it into a moistened puree
Your swallowing reflex is triggered as your tongue pushes the food to the back of your throat. During this phase, your windpipe closes tightly and your breathing stops. This prevents food from going down the wrong pipe.
You did not include options but any of the following things would contraindicate the use of a beta blocker. Asthma, acute heart failure, bradycardia, low blood pressure or heart rate.
The correct answer is option D, that is, lumps and other changes.
A breast self-examination for breast awareness refers to an inspection of the breasts that one perform on their own. It is performed by using the eyes and hands to find if there are any modifications observed in the feel and look of the breasts. If one notices any breast modifications, then she should consult it with the doctor.
While doing breast self-examination the following things can be observed:
1. Dimples, bulges, puckers, or ridges on the skin of the breast.
2. A knot or a hard lump close to the underarm.
3. Changes in the manner the breasts feel or appear, comprising prominent fullness or thickness, which is distinct from the surrounding tissue.
4. Redness, swelling, or pain and itching, scales, sores, or rashes.