Q1. No all three are their own shapes some shapes can fit inside each other though but doesn’t make it a new shape
Q2. We are getting in because we are opening the doors and immediately sitting down but we get on a bus because we are stepping on to it not getting in it like we would a vehicle although it wouldn’t make sense to some it is the truth.
Q3. You’ll still have two eggs nothing is changing when you switch it to the other bowl the only thing that is changing is your bowls but the amount of eggs you have which are two will stay the same.
As an intimidation tactic.
Think about it:
If black kids are beaten up for going to school, will they even want to go to school?
If a black man was going to go vote, but the night before, the local sheriff came by and told him he'd "cause trouble" for him and his family if he votes, will he still want to vote?
Basically, violence was used to scare black people into obeying.
He did so because he wanted revenge on France and England for winning the first war. He was a young soldier in the WWI and felt that Germany was shamed after the war. So he started the second to gain respect back and to prove that their country was also a great superpower. He believed in racial purification and wanted to take over Europe and remodel it the way he wanted.
Can't understand that language