In this excerpt from A World Without Collisions, Sam describes how he dreams the world to be in the future. I think his main idea has good intentions, he feels sorry for those who get hurt in "learning how to live life". He also seems to think that everybody should take control of their lives and don't be just a victim on everything that happens. This way of thinking has good intentions, but it is not always realistic or even easy to do.
First of all, unexpected things happen in life and some are pretty big and sad, and we do not control everything that happens around us. It is true that we can try and control our emotions in order to feel better, but not what happens outside our bodies. The thing is also, we can chose not to be victims, but it is healthy sometimes to embrace the bad feelings to because only by accepting our sadnesses or pains is that we will be able to move forward. If we deny this bad feeling, our bodies will eventually speak for us and show us that we have been hiding important issues that we should face. I agree, we should "dance life like champions", but doing so is also embracing the bad feelings, connecting with them, and get pass through them. We ARE going to get hurt "in all that bumping" and it is ok.
First parts only: Not accustomed to unit of math teachings
B: It's more effective to use colored chalk
C: Its difficult to memorize all of these relations
D: It's essential to distinguish the elements of the elements of a set from the "non-elements."
E: It's important to point out that elements of a set need be individual, but may themselves be sets.
F: It's impossible to determine the exact image in that case.
G: It's desirable to have a more simplified system of notation.
H: It's clear to see that the meaning of an expression depends on its context.
I: It's compulsory to give your full name.
J: It's necessary to do the measuring as accurately as possible.
K: Its permissible to cut [=] into 2 or 3 parts.
It's impossible to read your writing.
It's useful to use a heating pad.
It's silly to get upset over small things.
It's difficult to solve this equation.
It's important for your health to drink lots of liquids.
Its unfair to criticise him.
The to in the first sentence should be changed to TOO. Remove the second sentence. Start the third sentence with FIRST OF ALL, instead of first off remember to add a comma after first of all. For the fourth sentence instead write, One of the biggest online dangers are hackers. For the fifth sentence remove in this case, instead write a hacker is someone with evil intentions that illegally accesses someones device and steals or exposes their private information. For the sixth sentence remove it it is extra info that does not need to be there. For the seventh sentence remove anyways, instead start off the sentence by saying, When a hacker gains access to your device, they can watch your every move by hacking into your camera, steal and sell your information, or even steal your identity! For the eight sentence, instead write this sentence, You are probably more than scared right now, so next time you put your personal information into a suspicious website think about the consequences it may have ! For the ninth sentence remove it and instead write, With all this in mind, you may be wondering what should I do know? After you have added that sentence I suggest you remove the rest of the sentences you wrote since they are quite repetitive so instead just write the following. Some steps to take to keep you and your family safe from the evil dangers of the internet are to install an antivirus program, constantly renewing your passwords, and making sure that you or your family are not accessing any illegal websites.
"Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”
The first one is d
the second is a
the third one is c
if i get u wrong im truly sorry