Preserve it's small armies while doing enough damage to erode the Union's will to fight
You didn't provide the answers, however, European Communist countries didn't have much choice since they were liberated by Communists during the war. The Asian countries did have a choice and chose to adopt it which is why there were many wars, both civil and one country fighting another like in Vietnam or Korea. They were supported by the Soviets and China.
What did the treaty of kangawa
If the soil/ground is good for crops they'll adpat to start growing crops,
if they have a river near by humans' or "settlers" Can use the river/water to not die dehydration and possibly catch fish which is another food soruce, and the animals in their area, say deer's and birds of some sorts, they can hunt and survive by their meats
Multiple people had different views on what they wanted so in order to satisfy everyone there was a compromise of multiple parties for the extensive views