Number 1 is wrong. France lost the 7 Years War to Great Britain, so it had to give territory away. Therefore France is giving Great Britain complete control of the territory.
The rest, as far as I am concerned, are correct.
The Effects of the War
There were no merchants on the road, and the towns along the route lost their usual bustle, which undoubtedly led to the decline of the silk road. By the time of the Song dynasty, another ethnic minority broke the silence of the silk road once again.
Se interpreta esta frase como un saludo de advertencia a la monarquia que apoyaba al sistema y un rechazo total al gobierno. considerando no al jefe de estado si no a todos los colaboradores del mismo como ministros los cuales formaban el aparato burocratico.
Por otra parte al estar las jefaturas de estado divididas por las malas politicas y erradas el rey no corre ningun peligro porque no se le atribuye esta mala gestion.
it d monarchyhhhhhiiiiiiii
(B) Noise, pyschological
Psychological noise occurs when the person trying to heed the propagated message begins to let his mind wander over another subject. It is a noise present in the head of the person, which ends up impeding the understanding of the message, that is, the communication itself. Like Tracy, who is trying to make a communication about work, but her mind insists on thinking about the death of her dog.