In a hypothetical scenario, though it is possible if the conditions are right, the chemicals can be cycled totally strictly by the abiotic factors caused by the geologic processes. The new chemicals will come on the scene as a product of the geologic processes, like with the rising of the magma on the divergent plate boundaries. As the magma piles up more and more material, the ones that have been formed are pushed sideways, further away from the source. This actually is making the tectonic plates move. The chemicals that have been formed are in a situation where they are constantly pushed away by the source that formed them. As millions of years pass, those chemicals will start nearing a different type of plate boundary, a convergent one. As they are further pushed toward that boundary, they will start to subduct bellow the plate, moving downwards toward the mantle. As they reach the mantle, they are melted, practically recycled, with high chance of coming out on the surface on another place of the planet int he future.
Population: 5,000 (San Pedro de Atacama) Altitude: 2,400 metres. Climate: Daytime highs in the Atacama Desert are around 20°C – 25°C and night-time temperatures are around 12°C. In winter (June to August), temperatures can drop to freezing or even below.
Mount Vaals<span> is a hill 322.7 m in height, the highest point in the Netherlands. It is located in </span>the province<span> of </span>Limburg<span>.</span>