The heavy military expenditures throughout the Cold War benefited Virginia's economy proportionately more than any other state, especially in Hampton Roads, home to several large naval and air bases, and Northern Virginia, home to the Pentagon and numerous private companies that contract with the military.
Witnesses reveal what someone has done. For example when someone does a bad thing and you saw it, that means you were a witness that the person did the do that bad thing.
The military was organized under the caliphate, a political structure led by a Muslim steward known as a caliph, who was regarded as the religious and political successor to the prophet Muhammad. ... Under the Umayyads, a dynastic and centralized Islamic political state emerged.
Answer: The entire system of the 3 branches of the government are essential because they all protect the people's freedoms as a citizen will create a fine balancing act that will promote a democratic society. The Legislative branch (the branch responsible for making the countries laws), Executive branch (the branch that is responsible for implementing laws that are created by the Legislative branch.) and the Judicial branch (Supreme Court) keep each other in the loop and prevent one of the branches, could be any branch, of our government from becoming more successful and powerful than the rest of the branches.
Hope this helps you out! ☺
Transforming the judicial system.
The Turkish Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent (reigned 1520-1566) stood at the helm of the Ottoman Empire at the zenith of its power. He conquered Balkan lands in Europe, much of the Middle East and North Africa. The Ottoman navy dominated the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. He is also known for promoting major changes in taxation, education, criminal law and social issues. Together with his officials, he managed to conciliate the two sources of Ottoman law, the civil law or Sultanic law, and the Sharia, or Islamic law.