ummmmmm where is the text or anwsers?
Slave status was traditionally assigned to people living in tribes who were very poor, they did not posses lands,. The most ancient civilizations had some form of slavery present in early days. It seemed that slavery was necessary to construct the New world because they helped sustain the coffee, tobacoo, sugar and most of the economy.
Ok so this looks very hard but i am so sorry but i cant help i just dont know how to do this.
COAL; a combustible material that is used as a natural fuel
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING; negotiations between an employer and union representatives concerning wages, hours, and working conditions.
CAUDILLO; the spanish word for military leader.
GUILLOTINE; A death instrument in France consisting of a weighted blade that slides down between two vertical guides and beheads the victim.
COUP D'ETAT; a sudden seizure of government by force.
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