2. Cinderella would continue to live a miserable life.
If the Prince wasn't motivated by anything, not even wanting to find his true love, he doesn't find the owner of the glass slipper, therefore not finding Cinderella and marrying her. That also means Cinderella continues living the same life doing chores for her stepsisters and stepmother.
This is because in the "U.S.A.", people in all the regions in the U.S.A. historically migrated throughout an "entire land mass" (essentially) ; and this "land mass" tends to be more "homogeneous" (as opposed to "British English" speakers; who speak with different dialects, accents). Note that the United Kingdom, including Great Britain, is further isolated from the U.S.A.—by a huge ocean— than the "relatively more homogeneous physical region"/ and thus the "relatively more linguistic region".
Practically every famed people in Scotland.
Macduff is related to Duncan and his sons, Macbeth, Banquo and Fleance, and probably the other nobles like Ross and Angus. They're all related, some are cousins and some are nephews.
A memoir is a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. It's a book about your life, the lessons learned, and key moments that shaped who you are. We all typically think of a memoir and cringe a little at the idea of a book about someone else's life
A memoir is a collection of memories that someone writes about his or her own life. While the memories can be public or private—and are often a mix of the two if the memoirist is a famous person—a memoir is understood to be as factual as memory permits.
His first name is Edgar Allen