Answer: False.
The goal of a research paper is, through the application of the scientific method, to obtain measurable information to conceive, verify, correct or expand knowledge. There are things that are written before the introduction such as: Information on the cover page (name of the University/Institute, the research line, the title of the work, author or authors names; place and date) then a summary and an index, then the introduction.
While both have to very different meanings, both have a definition of meaning something small (alley - small passage, pony - small horse, pour, or amount of money). Both are 6 letters, but when made plural, are spelling differently (alleys - just add s, ponies - drop the y, add ies). Both are Latin in origin, changing letter to French. But alley is late middle English, with pony being from the mid 17th century.
As a high schooler myself I would personally ask what classes should you take first because obviously you would want to get your core classes out of the way and then take your electives after because for some schools or it may be all schools you can graduate early if you get all your core classes done. I would also ask which classes are the hardest.