True because it’s a casting on tv
<span><span><span>0000: First airborne troops begin to land.0100: First Navy hands ordered to man battle stations. Landing craft begin to be lowered into the water; paratroopers cut phone lines and knock down telephone poles.0200: First bombers take off to attack targets around the beachhead.</span>Troops survey the rise of the Normandy shore as they prepare to land on June 6, 1944. (Courtesy U.S. Army Center for Military History)</span><span>0300: Gliders begin to reinforce paratroops.0309: German radar detects Allied invasion fleet. Adm. Krancke orders shore batteries to prepare for invasion.0348: German E-boat flotillas and two armed trawlers get under way.0430: First P-47s take off.0520: Sunrise. Bombers drop first bombs on German targets.0535: German shore batteries open fire; Allied naval forces return fire.0537: E-boats commanded by Adm. Kranche fire torpedoes at Allied destroyers.0600: LCT launch their DD tanks.0620: Allied landing craft approach the beach.0630: H-Hour on Utah, Omaha Beach; LCT 535 lands the first tanks on Omaha; 116th and 16th Infantry land at Omaha; Higgins boats near the beach; 8th Infantry Regiment lands at Utah Beach.0641: USS Corry forced to abandon ship due to heavy gunfire and mine damage.</span><span>"Evacuating Wounded Soldiers" by Harrison Standley suggest the human toll taken by the Normandy Invasion. (Courtesy U.S. Army Center For Military History)<span>0645: Rangers assault Point-du-Hoc; 70th Tank Battalion begins to land at Utah.0725: H-Hour for Sword Beach; British 3rd Division begins to land.0735: British UDT and Royal Engineers land at Gold Beach, followed by Infantry from the 50th Division.0800: 3rd Canadian Division lands at Juno Beach.</span></span><span>0830: LCM, LCT and LSTs land armor at Omaha.0900: 2nd Ranger Battalion soldiers take Point-du-Hoc and defend it for the rest of the day.0950: Destroyers engage the enemy for at Omaha under orders of Adm. C.F. Bryant; 18th Infantry goes ashore at Omaha.1030: 115th Infantry lands at Omaha.1030: 12th Infantry lands at Utah.1045: Utah fairly secure, reserve battalions coming ashore.1100: 18th Infantry begins to land at Omaha.1110: 101st and 4th divisions linkup on Utah securing the first exit from the beach.1300: Troops at Omaha begin to secure the beach.1600: Hitler finally gives approval to release Panzer divisions.1800: Elements of the 3rd Canadian Div, North Nova Scotia Highlanders reach five kilometers inland. 1st Hussar tanks cross the Caen-Bayeux railway, fifteen kilometers inland. Canadian Scottish link up with the 50th Division at Creully.1900: 1st Division commander, General Huebner sets up command post on Omaha.
Answer: President Ulysses S. Grant
Reconstruction happened during Grant's two terms of office. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) caused widespread violence throughout the South solely against African Americans.
By the year 1870, all former Confederate states had gotten readmitted into the United States and were now represented in Congress. However Democrats, majority of whom are former slave owners, violently refused to accept that these freedmen were citizens, whom suffrage were granted by the Fifteenth Amendment.
By 1871 Klan activity was getting out of control, while President Grant and Congress created the Department of Justice and had then passed three Force Acts into law. President Grant and his Attorney General Amos T. Akerman began a serious crackdown on Klan in the South, starting in South Carolina. They were making arrests and convictions, causing the Klan to demobilize and thus ensuring a fair election for 1872.
Islam as a religion began with the message which was spread by Islam’s Prophet and God’s Messenger Muhammad ibn Abdallah in the Arabian Peninsula in 610 CE and which was contained in the Qur’an, God’s revelation to Muhammad. After Muhammad’s death in 632, his followers, the Muslims, embarked on successive waves of conquest of the Middle East and beyond; within less than a century, they had political and military control of virtually all the lands between India and Spain. The exercise of this control came from a state that was called the caliphate, its ruler being viewed as the caliph, or “successor,” to the Prophet Muhammad. In the first few decades, the state, based in Arabia, was simple and its ruler elected on the basis of merit. However, following the expansion, it soon turned into a complex, multi-national empire ruled by dynasties based in Syria first (the Umayyads, 661-750 CE) and then in Iraq (the Abbasids, 750-1258 CE). The caliphal system became weakened in the later ninth century, and by the tenth century, real power had moved to several local dynasties although the caliph remained the nominal head of the empire. The Abbasid empire and most of the local dynasties were overrun and practically destroyed by the Mongol invasion of the Middle East in 1258. That invasion ended not only the early phase of Islamic history, but also the “Golden Age” of Islamic civilization, which had been developing slowly from the beginning of this period. The “Golden Age” refers to the period when the varied contributions of Islamic civilization reached their peak in both the indigenous Islamic disciplines (such as Islamic law) and the newly imported disciplines of late antiquity (such as philosophy).
Depends what we’re talking about here. But in the end, it’s most likely true. If your talking about the Chisholm Trail or the Great Western Cattle Trail, definitely true.