RSA encryption is performed by calculating C=M^e(mod n).
However, if n is much larger than e (as is the case here), and if the message is not too long (i.e. small M), then M^e(mod n) == M^e and therefore M can be found by calculating the e-th root of C.
<span>Arrival protocols are the type of data protocols that convert data into standard formats that can be used by applications, such as email, Web browsers and Skype</span>
To restrict the connection only to the employee portal server, the IP address of the application should be added into the list of Trusted IP's.
Trusted IP's are the IP's that are used to identify the users that can be verified easily. Those users whose IP's are not listed in the trusted IP list needs to verify their identity by sending them login code on each transaction.
<em>In above mentioned case, We need to enlist the IP address of employee portal list in trusted IP list to ensure the restriction of login to employee only.</em>