Here is the C++ program:
#include <iostream> // to include input output functions
using namespace std; // to identify objects like cin cout
int counter(string userString, char character) { //function counter
int count = 0; // counts the no of times a character appears in the string
for (int i=0;i<userString.length();i++)
// loop to move through the string to find the occurrence of the character
if (userString[i] == character) //if characters is found in the string
count++; //counts the occurrence of the character in the string
return count; } //returns the no of times character occurs in the string
int main() { //start of the main() function body
string s; // stores the string entered by the user
cout<<"Enter a string: "; //prompts user to enter the string
cin>>s; //reads the string from user
char ch; //stores the character entered by the user
cout<<"Enter a character: "; //prompts user to enter a character
cin>>ch; //reads the character from user
cout << counter(s, ch) << endl; }
//calls counter function to find the number of times a character occurs in the //string
The counter function works as following:
It has a count variable which stores the number of occurrences of a character in the userString.
It uses a for loop which loops through the entire string.
It has i position variable which starts with the first character of the string and checks if the first character of userString matches with the required character.
If it matches the character then count variable counts the first occurrence of the character and in the userString and is incremented to 1.
If the character does not match with the first character of the userString then the loops keeps traversing through the userString until the end of the userString is reached which is specified by the length() function which returns the length of the string.
After the loop ends the return count statement is used to return the number of occurrences of the character in the userString.
The main() function prompts the user to enter a string and a character. It then calls counter() function passing string s and character ch arguments to it in order to get the number of times ch appears in s.
The output is attached in a screenshot.