Persecuting a person because of their belief system can physically injure or cause pain to someone.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. In this book, Hitler subjected the Jews to hostility and I'll treatments because of their belief system.
So, it's strange when Miss Gates says says American's do not persecute.
In fact, Tom Robinson who was a black man accused of raping Mayella Ewells, a white woman was openly persecuted because of the color of his skin, even when it's clear that he was innocent. He even died while in jail.
defeat, resist
To succumb means to give up or lose hope in a way. The opposite would be to defeat or resist.
The correct answer is higher!
(alrernatively "more" would also be ok, but not "more high")
The only correct form of comparative for high is "higher".
The correct answer is C: "a repeated grouping of two or more lines in a poem that often share a pattern of rhythm and rhyme."
A stanza is a division of a poem which consists of a series of lines arranged together, forming a unit. Stanzas usually have a fixed length, meter, or rhyming scheme.