Details such as "foul-smelling,” "bunks stacked three high,” and "no showers, no lounges, and no dining rooms” show that living conditions on the steamships were difficult and unpleasant.
The definition of the selected words "foul-smelling,” "bunks stacked three high,” and "no showers, no lounges, and no dining rooms” demonstrate that there were no commodities in the place and even more, that the living conditions were not good by not being provided by a clean and comfortable place to be and not having their necessities covered.
In The Crucible, certainty can be dangerous as demonstrated by the character of Abigail.
She accused Proctor's wife of being a witch. She testified that she saw the spirit of Proctor's wife and it stabbed her. Even though she lied, her certainty in front of the jury and the towns people convince them that what she said is true and that Proctor's wife is a witch that must be burned to death.
The main conflict that happens in this story is between Jay Gatsby, Daisy and Tom. Daisy and Tom are married together. Daisy knew Gatsby years before she met Tom and they were madly in love, until Gatsby had to go away for years. Daisy had then met Tom and they got married.
the second statement
when summarizing we take important points from the text we avoid using emotions or being biased we provide as much factual information we can