A method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
Answer: False
Eagly's (1987) social role theory posits that widely shared gender differences develop from the social and cultural norms that characterizes a society. In western societies, there are greater participation of men in paid positions of higher status and power than women. Also, the gendered differences gives differentiated skills to men and women.
In several societies today, top positions in the society are usually given to men such as presidents, managers etc. Culture has an influence on people's behavior in the society.
A benefactor or a donor is a wealthy supporter of artists, writers, and scholars
The study conducted by Sutherland, Andersen, and Stoove (2001) investigated the relationship between exercise and multiple sclerosis (MS). Results indicated that, compared to a control group, those in the exercise group were found to experience the following:
1. Higher levels of energy and vigor
2. Less pain and fatigue
3. Better sexual functioning
And considering the available options, the correct answer is option E. "Both B and C"
well A
The Romans are renowned for engineering marvels, among which is the aqueduct that carried water for many miles in order to provide a crowded urban population with relatively safe, potable water, as well as less essential but very Roman aquatic uses