The answer is Maryland.
By the late 1600s, Maryland, had its Proprietary Charter to the Lords Baltimore revoked and had it became a royal colony with its Governor of Maryland appointed by the Monarch with the advice of his Ministers and the Colonial Offices and Board of Trade of members from Parliament.
This picture want show up on my screen sorry
The high technology in the ships of the Portuguese gave them an advantage over other countries, becoming the most powerful navigators during those two centuries. Portuguese trading focused mainly on obtaining gold, ivory, and pepper; but in addition to these products, so prized in Europe, it is estimated that more than 175,000 slaves were also carried on Portuguese ships to Europe and the Americas in the greatest migration of people during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
These are all foods that have been eaten for centuries as the others are more difficult to obtain, like shrimp ice cream and jello
The purpose of the education in this document sums down to respect