El calendario solar azteca es un ciclo de 52 años que se divide en cuatro trecenas de años, cada uno diferenciado de los otros mediante la asignación cíclica de uno de los jeroglíficos Técpatl (pedernal), Calli (casa), Tochtli (conejo) o Ácatl (carrizo) y uno de los dígitos del 1 al 13 (representados con puntos).
A Major cause of antagonism toward the "new immigrants" who came to the United States after 1880 was the belief that they Competed with Americans for jobs as unskilled laborers. In the 1890s, calls for limiting immigration were largely the result of:
The two forms of democracy are direct and representative democracy.
An example of a direct democracy can be traced to ancient Athens.
The United States, on the other hand, is a representative democracy.
A monarchy includes kings queen and more from their
he main purpose and goal of the Nazi revolution was to establish a Volksgemeinschaft. Its creation required the purification and increase of the German “race” as well as its biological separation from the Jews, whose infusion of evil into the German bloodstream, the Nazis said, served to pollute and undermine Germany’s well-being. Nazi efforts to purify the German race gained an air of scientific respectability from the pseudoscience of eugenics, the racial hygiene movement that flourished widely in the early decades of the 20th century. Nazi leaders spoke of their efforts to “reconstruct the German race.” The Law for the Protection of Hereditary Health (July 14, 1933) allowed for the eventual sterilization of as many as two million people deemed unworthy of propagating. The Marriage Subsidy Law of July 1933 aimed to stimulate the birth rate by granting loans to newly married couples; these loans would be forgiven incrementally with the birth of each additional child. The Nazi idealization of mothers and the celebration of motherhood as a special service to the Reich had the same objective. Hitler spoke of an eventual doubling of the German population through these measures. The most notorious of the steps taken to purify the German race was also a milestone in the anti-Jewish legislation promulgated by the Nazis: the infamous Nürnberg Laws of September 1935, which forbade marriage or sexual relations between Jews and Germans and assigned to Jews a lower class of citizenship.