In the 5th Crusade the Holy Land was trying to be required
The hydrosphere, including all the waters on the Earth’s surface, is interconnected with the other ‘spheres’ in the Earth system, that is the geosphere (lithosphere and atmosphere), the biosphere, and the human-related anthroposphere. Water, the most widespread substance in the environment of our planet, is available, in liquid, solid, and vapor states, everywhere on Earth, albeit its abundance largely differs in space and time. Quantitative estimates of availability of water (and in particular, freshwater) in different Earth’s water stores (reservoirs) are given.
No, because California and Oregon are corrupt and people are moving away from them.
Several bodies of water border Europe. To the East there's the Black Sea, to the South there's the Mediterranean Sea. On the West coasts there's the Atlantic Ocean, to the North there's the North Sea and the Arctic Ocean.