helping is a good thing to do as I said love ur neighbors as ur self
Answer All of those are folklore
Commander In Cheif: President Abraham Lincoln (1861–1865) President Andrew Johnson (1865)
Commander General:MG Winfield Scott (1841–1861) MG George B. McClellan (1861–1862) MG Henry W. Halleck (1862–1864) GA Ulysses S. Grant (1864–1869)
The Stamp Act was unfair because the colonists had no representation in Parliament.
Colonial became unfriendly towards the Britishers because of the laws and regulation in the colonies. The Stamp Act implemented in the colonies to pay the taxes to Britain without understanding the colonists. To pay off the debt, after winning the French and Indian War, the British issued the Stamp Act in the colonies which provoked the settlers as they stated 'Taxation without representation'.
The answer is, Political parties