Developed nations are generally categorised as countries that are more industrialised and higher per capital income levels. Developing nations are generally categorised as countries that are less industrialised and have lower per capital income levels.
People migrating from one place to another, new ideas being introduced. is this multiple choice? i’d say the last one if so
What does a orphan call a family photo?
A selfie
all Americans
During the late 1920s, the stock market in the United States boomed. Millions of Americans began to purchase stock, causing the market to dramatically increase in value. Unfortunately for the economy, so many Americans invested money in the stock market that stocks became inflated in price.
d. Either A or C
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that Big Corp will likely win if it can establish as a defense that either Pam was denied the promotion for legitimate non-discriminatory reasons or the denial of the promotion was based on mixed motives. Any of these two defenses would tell the court that there were other reasons as to why Pam was denied the promotion and it is not due to gender, which would make Pam's argument invalid.