The use of slave labor majorly impacted the Agricultural Revolution because slaves work was cheap or most of the time free meaning slaves owners made huge profits in the field. The Agricultural Revolution was the time "with many agricultural developments and slave labor help made it all more profitable because they weren't paid for their work."
Hope this helps.
while well to do parents stress CREATIVITY
Military dictatorship, an authoritarian government controlled by a military and its political designees, called a military junta when done extralegally. Military junta, a government led by a committee of military leaders. Stratocracy, a government traditionally or constitutionally run by a military.
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1492 Dec 5, Columbus discovered Hispaniola
Ramón Matías Mella leads revolutionaries to seize Santo Domingo and declares the Dominican Republic independent.
A slave, Toussaint L’Ouverture succeeds in capturing the entire island of Hispaniola.
Corrupt dictator Rafael Trujillo controls the Dominican Republic from 1930 to 1961.
The U.S. army occupies the Dominican Republic for eight years.
U.S. troops restore order and Dominicans approve the current constitution.
The law that prevents the consumption of alcohol