public static String repeat(String text, int repeatCount) {
if(repeatCount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("repeat count should be either 0 or a positive value");
if(repeatCount == 0) {
return "";
} else {
return text + repeat(text, repeatCount-1);
Here repeatCount is an int value.
at first we will check if repeatCount is non negative number and if it is code will throw exception.
If the value is 0 then we will return ""
If the value is >0 then recursive function is called again untill the repeatCount value is 0.
game 1: roblox, its not technically a game, however it contains game that could fall under more than one category. Game 2: Dungeons and Dragons could fall under role play and also adventure
The correct answer is C. Sometimes.
A database index is a structure that aims to speed up selections and selective operations on a database. An index reduces the number of comparisons required to find one or more database records. This avoids having to perform a so-called full table scan, whereby all records in the table have to be run through sequentially.
Therefore, if the search does not focus correctly on the necessary data, this search will not always determine the index of the goal. Therefore, the user must correctly handle the search keywords to collaborate with the system.
In the scenario in which Derek Miller's social media post is different than most since Miller had his family and friends write a post after he died with the letter he wrote. Hope this is the answer and would be of help.