Beowulf is set in the land of danes (present day denmark) and the land of geats (present day sweden.) so basically 5th or 6th century scandinavia.
i think that some people might be angered by that but i also think some people would embrace the idea
I like that it’s easier to do but I don’t like that I can’t see my friends
When using any search engine, there are actually functions (terms) known as Boolean operators that one can type into the search bar that assist in the research one is doing. You know how when searching the internet, you might have to sift through many “hits” that you find useful because information that is not useful keeps being included? What you can do, thus, is include the command “NOT” (in all capital letters) after your main search terms followed by words you no longer want to see, and the search engine should provide results without the terms following NOT. For instance, you if did an internet search for “pets” but did not want your results to include dogs, if you typed in the following, your results would be largely without the word “dogs”:
<em>pets NOT dogs</em>
<span>A monism holding to the unity of the world </span>